Renew Your Membership
It’s time to renew your membership for 2023-24. Renewing is quick, easy and only takes a few minutes.
Join the Men's Club
Not a member yet? The St. Linus Men’s Club is an excellent way to meet new people and make new friends!
Recent Tweets
Follow St Linus Men's Club
The St Linus Men’s is now on Twitter. If you have Twitter, go ahead and follow us. If not, you can still receive our tweets as a text message by texting these two words – follow stlmensclub – to the number 40404. Our recent tweets are here…
About Us
The St. Linus Men’s Club is dedicated to fraternal service to the parish. We meet monthly from August to May. Dues are $20 per year, and membership is open to any male members of the parish 21 years or older.